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在30多个国家,从婴儿到7岁儿童教音乐和运动发布课程和许可证的学校。在德国,现设在北卡罗莱纳州成立。历史、文书和出版物销售、学校定位器。Publishes curricula and licenses schools in more than 30 countries to teach music and movement to children from infants to age 7. Founded in Germany, now based in North Carolina. History, instrument and publication sales, school locator.内容提要:Kindermusik, the leading childhood music & movement program, has music classes for babies, toddlers, preschoolers, big kids, & families! Find a class ...在领先的公司,儿童音乐...音乐课对孩子和学校的了解Music Classes for Children and Schools Kindermusik...
信息名称: 音乐课对孩子和学校的了解
信息栏目: 信息简介 网站链接
网址链接: kindermusik.com
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